The Grudge is a production that brings back memories of old Nollywood, not because of the cast, but the story and its execution...
The Grudge focuses on two distinct stories. First of all is Tunde and his wife (RMD and Ireti Doyle) after almost ten years of marriage, they are not in a happy marriage. Their marriage is on the verge of crumbling. Tunde is calm, he is trying to make things work but his wife is not interested. She is a workaholic; she appears to us almost as a self-obsessed woman. She seems to be holding a grudge that distances her from her husband, she is not willing to compromise, and she can hardly stand Tunde. They have children that are victims of the parents’ problems. While the couple are affected by their problems, their children also suffer as a result. - NollywoodObserver
Stars: RMD, Iretiola Doyle, Odunlade Adekola, Funmi Holder, Ijeoma Aniebo, Jaiye Kuti.......
Director: Yemi Morata
Year: 2016